66 Painters Mill Road Suite 110 Owings Mills, MD
Tired of Shopping for Home and Auto Insurance?

Go Independent

Thanks to the internet, wi-fi, and smartphones, we can buy just about anything we want from the palm of our hands-even our home and auto insurance. It may be tempting to buy your homeowners insurance from the comforts of home in your pajamas, but before you hit submit, consider a few reasons why you should partner with an independent agent instead.

Independent Agents Shop for You

When you choose to work with one of those insurance characters you see on a television commercial, you have one option for coverage and pricing. An independent agent works with multiple carriers who have “sweet spots” for different types of customers. For example, your auto insurance may be higher with company A than with company B. One may have rates that are more lenient for drivers with claims, others may rate younger drivers better, or some may offer more discounts.

When Owings Mills residents choose to work with an independent agent like Woodhome Insurance, they are expanding their insurance solutions. By working with multiple insurance carriers, your agent can choose the best company for your situation.

Better Rates at Renewal Time for Maryland Insureds

Another benefit of working with an independent insurance agent is that they can shop your home and auto insurance coverages at renewal time as well. Independent agents love to keep their customers happy, so when they see a policy increase, they can shop other carriers for you. Reasons a renewal may go up may not be anything that you did. In some situations, insurance companies may file a rate change for specific areas. If you have your insurance with an independent agent, they will “requote” you to see what other options are out there for you. The benefit to you is that you continue with the coverage you need and a price point that fits your budget. Plus, your agent does all the work!

Of course, the ability to see multiple quotes is not the only benefit to working with an independent agent. Maryland residents will also have the peace of mind of working with a real team that gets to know their specific situation and ready to help when they need it. You will get to know your insurance team, and they will get to know you. Building strong relationships is essential, especially when the unforeseen happens and you must file a claim. Having a trusted insurance partner in your corner can help a tough situation go a little smoother.

Home and Auto Insurance Home and Auto Insurance Home and Auto Insurance

The Bottom Line

Want to learn more about how an independent agency like Woodhome Insurance can help you? Contact the insurance experts at woodhomeinsurance.com at 410-580-2800. Our licensed professionals will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Our insurance professionals will help you build a policy that not only meets your individual needs but is also budget-friendly. At Woodhome Insurance, our top concern is your financial protection. We will do our best to answer all your questions and concerns with patience and understanding.

Woodhome Insurance
Home – Auto -Business
(410) 580-2800
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